Magic Photo Vault

We Care About Your Privacy

Worry about exposing your private photos and videos? Can't Lock your photo album? Get Magic Photo Vault to hide your photos & videos in a secret album and change the App icon to calculator, camera icon that allows watching by you only!

Extend Your Storage

Sync your data to private cloud and gets protected by AES-256 irreversible encryption algorithm.

Master Your Data

Optionally choose to save your photos and videos locally on your phone or sync to private cloud. 

Secure Your Privacy

Lock App effortlessly with Touch ID/Face ID, passcode, fake App icon or shake-to-quit.

The Only Master is You

Passcode: Create your own passcode to enter the App.
Breaking Alert: Take photos after 3 break-in attempts.
Face Unlocker: Unlock with your fingerprint or face.

Control the App Icon As Per Your Like

Change to other application's icon to camouflage your private albums.

Hide the Magic Photo Vault from your Android phone screen and if you want to open it, go to Phone > Setting > App Manager.。

Your Treasure Map

Hide your private photos & videos behind a real calculator and then you can enter your private albums in a specific way.

Turn Magic Photo Vault to be a real camera that can shoot photos or videos, still, there's a hiding entrance for you to enter your own vault.

Flexible Switching to Standard Mode

If someone really needs access to Magic Photo Vault, that's fine, by creating fake passcodes for fake accounts, the person who enters the application will just see a standard photo album.

Your Private Cloud

No more phone storage for keeping your private photos & videos? Try Magic Photo Vault Private cloud, it works to sync your photos, videos among various of your phones, or make sure you will not lose your data after changing to a new phone. (Works only when you enable it)